Shortwave listening (abbreviated as SWLing) is the hobby of tuning for shortwave radio broadcasts located on shortwave frequencies, usually thought of as those from 1700 kHz (the upper limit of the AM broadcasting band) to 30 MHz

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Broadcast Station: Radio Canada International
Country: Canada
Frequency: 11935 Khz
UTC: 1600-1630 13.12.07
SINPO: 43444
Radio Programm: News

Broadcast Station: Family Station Inc.
Country: United States of America
Frequency: 11875 Khz
UTC: 2115-2315 - 09.12.07
SINPO: 33333
Radio Programm: Religious brodcasting

Broadcast Station: Channel Africa
Country: South Africa
Frequency: 15235 Khz
UTC: 1700-1800 09.12.07
SINPO: 55555
Radio Programm: Pop Music

Broadcast Station: CVC Radio
Country: Australia
Frequency: 13635 Khz
UTC: 1100-1800 - 09.12.07
SINPO: 44444
Radio-Programm: Music

Broadcast Station: Jordan Radio & Television
Country: Jordan
Frequency: 11690 Khz
UTC: 1245-1630 - 09.12.07
SINPO: 44333
Radio-Programm: Music

Broadcast Station: Radio Slovaquia International
Country: Eslováquia
Frequency: 7230 Khz
UTC: 0300 - 16.11.07
SINPO: 54445
Radio Programm: Música e (leitura de recp. QSL's)

Broadcast Station: WNQM,INC
Country: United States of America
Frequency: 5070 Khz
UTC: 2200-1200 - 16.11.07
SINPO 32233
Radio Programm: Rádio Cristã de Nashville

Broadcast Station: Blue Ridge Communications, Inc.
Country: United States of America
Frequency: 5050 Khz
UTC: 0000-0500 - 16.11.07
SINPO: 32233
Radio Programm: Música

Broadcast Station: Kol Israel
Country: Israel
Frequency: 15.760 Khz
UTC: 0001-2359 - 14.11.07
SINPO: 54444
Radio Programm: Música e Notícias

Broadcast Station: Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting
Country: Libyan
Frequency: 17725 Khz
UTC: 1200-1600 - 14.11.07
SINPO: 33223
Radio Programm: Música Africana, comentários sobre África (emissão em inglês)

Broadcast Station: Radio Romania International
Country: Roménia
Frequency: 6055 Khz
UTC: 2130-2200 - 12.11.07
SINPO: 53344
Radio Programm: Noticiário e Música (emissão em inglês)

Broadcast Station: Emirates Media
Country: United Arab Emirates
Frequency: 6925 Khz
UTC: 1800-2359 - 12.11.07
SINPO: 33223
Radio Programm: Notícias

Broadcast Station: Radio Television Belgium French
Country: Bélgica
Frequency: 9970 Khz
UTC: 0300-2200 - 12.11.07
SINPO: 43333
Radio Programm: "Tout le Monde a une histoire"

Broadcast Station: Radio Kuwait (Ministry of Information - State of Kuwait)
Country: Kuwait
Frequency: 8665 Khz
UTC: 1815-2315 - 12.11.07
SINPO: 55555
Radio Programm: Peça teatral (em árabe), música

Broadcast Station: BBC WorldService
Country: United Kingdom
Frequency: 6195 Khz
UTC: 2100-2200 - 12.11.07
SINPO: 55555
Radio Programm: Noticias

Broadcast Station: LeSea Broadcasting Corporation
Country: United States of America
Frequency: 7490 Khz
UTC: 0100-0300 - 12.11.07
SINPO: 54555
Radio Programm: Cânticos religiosos "Godspel"

Broadcast Station: World Harvest Radio
Country: United States of America
Frequency: 7520 Khz
UTC: 2300-0100 - 11.11.07
SINPO: 33333
Radio Programm: Música

Broadcast Station: Korean Broadcasting System
Country: Korea
Frequency: 3955 Khz
SINPO: 54344
UTC: 2000-2130 - 11.11.07
Radio Programm: Musical

Broadcast Station: Radio Sweden International
Country: Sweden
Frequency: 6055 Khz
UTC: 1600-1635 - 11.11.07
SINPO: 54455
Radio Programm: Cultural e Politico

Broadcast Station: Öesterreichischer Rundfunk
Country: Austria
Frequency: 6155 Khz
UTC: 0400-2215 - 11.11.07
SINPO: 42233
Radio Programm: Música clássica, Opera "Nabuco" emissão comentada.

Broadcast Station: Voice of Greece
Country: Grécia
Frequency: 7475 Khz
UTC: 0000-0400 - 11.11.07
SINPO: 44444
Radio Programm: Música e notícias

Broadcast Station: Radio Russia
Country: Russia
Frequency: 7200 Khz
UTC: 1900-1500 - 11.011-07
SINPO: 55555
Programm: Noticiário

Broadcast Station: VOA - Voice of America
Country: United States of America
Frequency: 7200 Khz
UTC: 2200-2300 - 11.11.07
SINPO: 34333
Radio Programm: Noticias e Música

Broadcast Station: Voice of Croatia
Country: Croácia
Frequency: 7.285 Khz
UTC: 2330-2355 - 08.11.07
SINPO: 43224
Radio Programm: Emissão em espanhol, "Croacia hoy"

Broadcast Station: Radio Exterior de Espana
Country: Espanha
Frequency: 11.945 Khz
UTC: 2300-2359
SINPO: 53334
Programm: Emissão em Francês

Broadcast Station: Radio France Internationale
Country: France
Frequency: 9790 Khz
UTC: 04.00-0500 - 08.11.07
SINPO: 44444
Programm: Noticiário

Broadcast Station: Radio Netherland
Country: Holanda
Frequency: 6165 Khz
UTC: 0200-0357 - 08.11.07
SINPO: 44444
Programm: Noticias, emissão em espanhol

Broadcast Station: Voz da Turquia
Country: Turquia
Frequency: 9865 Khz
UTC: 0200-0300 - 08.11.07
SINPO: 44344
Radio Programm: Emissão em espanhol

Broadcast Station: Deutsche Welle
Country: Germany
Frequency: 6075 Khz
UTC: 0200-0359 - 07.11.07
SINPO: 55555
Radio Programm: Informação

Broadcast Station: Radio Praga
Country: Czech Republic
Frequency: 5930 Khz
UTC: 1800-2000 - 07.11.07
SINPO: 54545
Radio Programm: Noticiário em espanhol, transmissão p/ Espanha e América Latina

Broadcast Station: Rádio Bulgária
Country: Bulgária
Frequency: 5900 Khz
UTC: 2100-2200 - 06.11.07
SINPO: 43333
Radio Programm: Música Popular

Broadcast Station: Radio Ukraine Internacional
Country: Ukrania
Frequency: 5.830 Khz
UTC: 1700-2359 - 06.11.07
SINPO: 42233
Radio Programm: Entrevista

Broadcast Station: Vatican Radio
Country: Itália
Frequency: 5885 Khz
UTC: 2100-2215 - 06.11.07
SINPO: 55555
Radio Programm: Noticiário e Sessão Litúrgica

Broadcasting Station: Voice of Russia
Country: Russia
Frequency: 7330 Khz
UTC: 2100-0300 - 06.11.07
SINPO: 44444
Radio Program: No Mundo da Cultura, em português

Broadcast Station: China Radio Internacional
Country: China
Frequency: 7310 Khz
UTC: 2100-0300 - 06.11.07
SINPO: 55555
Radio Programm: News

Broadcast Station: Grace Missionary Baptist Church
Country: United States
Frequency: 5920 Khz
UTC: 0000-2359 - 06.11.07
SINPO: 32223
Radio Programm: Cânticos religiosos